I Will Never Forget (3/3)

Mar 27, 2019

I just wanted to clear some things up real quick. I've never been and never will be, a victim. I say that because it's not a part of my mindset and I don't want people to think that's how I see things.

The situation I was in was entirely my fault. I was stupid, and I deserved everything I got for ignoring red flags, my friends, and family.

What I meant by "standing up for myself" was basically me going off one day, finally telling her I'd never marry her, ever, and how I couldn't stand her scammy dipshit parents, and that the thought of being stuck between them and her for the rest of my life sounded like a fucking nightmare. I told her I didn't believe her bullshit and that I'm tired of her parents trying to tell me how to deal with her mental issues and that if they didn't fuck her up to begin with.. everything. It was a game changer.

I had a few people send me texts saying how unlike me it was to let someone beat on me, and then I realized it was because of the way I worded it (writing in fragments), and.. I don't want anyone to think that's what I was going for. When she'd throw punches I'd sometimes grab her fist and throw her fat ass to the floor and lock myself in the studio, so.. yeah. That's all men are allowed to do, really.

What I meant by abuse was more mental than anything. My usual reaction to her sucker punches was telling her to get the fuck out of my face or I'd leave for the night but, I've never experienced such relentless mental torture in my entire life. I was never so close to letting loose on a female before. Honestly, now, after hearing about all the shit she was pulling.. I wish I would have.

My advice for people now is.. hit the bitch back, because in court, they're going to treat you like you did anyway. You can't win against a female, because most judges are just straight up worms. Every attempt at getting restraining orders are shot down because they're either dishonorable cowards, or just plain stupid.

So fight back now, or they'll take everything from you. They even had a judge remove all the parts about her drunk driving accident to make it look random. Like she wasn't a raging alcoholic and wasn't stalking and slashing her ex's tires that night. There's even photos of her passed out drunk at the mall with her face in a toilet. Once they even tried to trick me into killing her cousin in law. I have the texts.

It's so crazy to think this was all just the beginning. Most of it is so insane, you won't believe it until you see it with your own eyes.

Anyway, she's still at it, but I hope that clears things up.

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