2024 12: Due to a "higher than usual" volume of odd behaviour with my Email accounts, I've temporarily removed them from the page. Until I can figure out what these idiots are up to (once again), you're going to have to find a way to contact me directly. 2025 02 19: removed 106 unconfirmables from FB.
Subject of Emails must contain "DH82" or I will NOT receive them. My real cell number hasn't changed in over 20 years. If you have it, use it. If you've tried to In other words, my phone doesn't let me know in ANY way that someone's calling me, If all else fails, tape a string to a can and scream in it. Too Much?
Take a steaming alphabetical dump on my chest survey. I do have a facebook but I only check it once every 3 to 6 months because of what a boring Main |