Installation: unzip and
run 1 of 4 script options.
Change Log
20250115: updated & removed some bloat.
20230303: new release for Windows 10.
20180224: option to do a clean install that resets all configurations and settings, update program files only, or reset configurations only. added 64bit versions of all apps available, plus updates and fixes.
20170411: updates, tweaks, patches.
20160320: updated ccleaner, cinta,
defrag, quickt, & search. added rc firewall (easily block apps
with a rightclick firewall option). removed the system tweaker due
to reports of most options proving ineffective.
updates to.. rename master, service tuner, irfanview, ccleaner.
+ added extra info in the readme for the few idiots thinking this
package of tools contained something harmful to your computer. i
was forced to have it evaluated by several different search engine
companies to verify that it does NOT contain malware, trojans, viruses,
or anything even remotely sneaky, as that is the entire point of
these tools! to take back control of your computer without installing
50 million system raping applications.
20150731: cinta, config
regs integrations, mpc, ccleaner, and a farm animal.