Replaces the first page that opens in your browser and unlocks raw feeds
The time for herding sheep to safety is over. We are wolves hunting demons.
Type: .zip
Size: 24 k
Usage: unzip it somewhere permanent &
set it as your home page.
Change Log
20250224: 9gag currently slammed with laid off govbots just as hard as patriotswin. lowered trust ratings. gab still strong.
20250129: added "FBN", a direct "Trump Tracker" feed by Forbes, who's done a pretty good job over the years providing facts, despite the pressure from outside sources to push bullshit.
2024 02: new search engine, updated code, plus new "super search" (the "!" button) to search and open all 4 engines at once.
2023 03: all 3 main engines in 1. helps to ID deception source trace and tracking.
2023 02: major search engine upgrade.
2022 12 22: more sources and tweaks, plus radio streaming and free shit for breaks.
2021 09: added encryption tools. click the logo on home for quick access. code fixz.
2021: code updates plus a "news" section with links to non-propaganda sites.
2018: added gab to social networking, updated / fixed a few search codes.
2014: fixed a few search engine strings. search aiding + signs added post-entry.
2013: added a "check for updates" link.
2009: introducing Silent Start Page. no pings, no trackings, just clean code and sources.